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Movers For Greatness


I am confident in accepting challenges, a resourceful, knowledgeable, proactive, energetic, and disciplined individual, seeking to utilize and develop my skills and experience to contribute to your organization’s growth. I am committed and enthusiastic about solving complex problems with creative thinking. I am also passionate and enjoy Digital Marketing with a big interest in solving complex marketing problems.

Crafted Projects

Awareness and Attitude about Family Planning amongst Married Men in Njikoka Local Government Area of Anambra State.




  •  Don climax venture and Nduhson global
  •  Feb 2019 - Nov 2022

I worked on capturing jobs for duty payment on single goods declaration then preparing document for clearance of goods, knowing when containers berth to follow it up.
Other responsibilities included: identifying ways to deliver Jobs within five working days to customers without delay

Worked as Head of Administration and Operation Services. I worked on documentation of customer’s containers to be cleared and for Agencies and renewal of License.



  •  Nnamdi Azikiwe university
  •  Nov 2009 - Nov 2015

My project topic was Awareness and Attitude about Family Planning amongst Married Men in Njikoka Local Government Area of Anambra State.
The study investigated knowledge and attitude about family planning amongst married men in the Njikoka Local Government Area of Anambra State. The study found that the majority of the respondents are aware of the existence of family planning in the Njikoka Local Government Area. The study also found out that a majority of the respondents use family planning methods but not always. This attitude may be attributed to religious beliefs and fear that family planning methods may have side effects. The study further found that a majority of the respondents perceive family planning as birth by choice and not by chance. Again, the study found that churches are a major source of information about family planning methods in the Njikoka Local Government Area. Other sources are radio, television, friends, market, and print, or electronic media.
The study further showed that condom use is the major form of family planning method that is prevalent amongst married men in the Njikoka Local Government Area. Other forms are withdrawal, abstinence, and vasectomy. Again, a majority of the respondents in the study area use family planning methods. However, some married men do not use family planning methods for fear of side effects. Also, the study found that fear of family planning methods having side effects is the major factor influencing knowledge and attitude about family planning amongst married men in Njikoka Local Government Area. Other factors are lack of adequate awareness, social norms, the cost of maintenance of family planning methods, the attitude of health care providers, religious beliefs, level of education, age of an individual, level of income, and lack of planning clinics, especially in rural areas.
In addition, the study identified unwanted children as the major consequence of married men’s attitude toward family planning in the Njikoka Local Government Area. Other consequences are an increase in the spread of sexually transmitted infections, unsafe abortion, an increase in population, high infant and maternal mortality, and children with little or no formal education. Other side effects are genital sores, weight loss, health danger, and increased risk of impotence and illness.
Also, the study found that the best way to improve the knowledge and attitude of married men towards family planning methods in the Njikoka Local Government Area is by government and nongovernment organizations’ sensitization seminars or programs aimed at improving the involvement of married men in family planning. Other measures are: government should provide more family planning clinics for married men to ease access to family planning methods, and there should be capacity training for health care providers to improve their attitudes towards married men that seek family planning advice. Again, the government should support religious and opinion leaders in their efforts to encourage married men to accept the use of family planning methods. In addition, non-governmental organizations and private consultants should educate married men on the need to be actively involved in family planning programs.
Three hypotheses were tested in the study. The first hypothesis indicates that there is a significant relationship between the level of income and the use of family planning methods amongst married men in the Njikoka Local Government Area. The third hypothesis also shows that there is a significant relationship between religious beliefs and the use of family planning methods amongst married men in the Njikoka Local Government Area. The third hypothesis also shows that there is a significant relationship between the level of education and the use of family planning methods by married men in the Njikoka Local Government Area.
The family planning method as a birth control measure may not produce a viable result in Nigeria if pertinent factors responsible for its non-use amongst married men are not critically addressed. Some of these factors are religious beliefs, lack of access, fear of side effects, social norms, the cost of maintenance of family planning methods, the attitude of health care providers, level of education, level of income, and ignorance. This situation often leads to consequences like unwanted children, the spread of sexually transmitted infections, unsafe abortion, an increase in population, high infant and maternal mortality, and children with little or no formal education. Hence, measures need to improve married men's knowledge and attitude towards family planning methods in Nigeria.